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Training courses in Casley Smith method of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Casley Smith Exercises and Multi-Layer Lymphoedema Bandaging. Fees and dates vary, please contact your chosen centre for details.
University of Glasgow
Rhian Noble-Jones, Yolande Borthwick & Margaret Sneddon
Course information
The Casley-Smith courses in University of Glasgow (Managing Complex Lymphoedema) are offered as part of a year long academic course with attendance in person required on various dates.
Those interested should use the contact information below for cost, admission requirements and confirmation of attendance dates.
Accredited courses Graduate Diploma (Core Skills through to Specialist); Graduate Certificate and the Postgraduate Certificate (Specialist and Advanced Lymphoedema Programme)
Download PDF (which includes full information about four accredited Lymphoedema management courses - the Casley-Smith MLD module is included in course three): Teaching Timetable and Learning Outcomes for courses under Graduate Certificate/Diploma in Specialist Lymphoedema Management
Non-academic or academic route
The full programme is available to pursue as ‘CPD with Casley-Smith Certification’ without academic credit if preferred. However length of study and costs are the same as the accredited courses.
University of Glasgow website (Specialist Lymphoedema Management - see FAQs for entry requirements)
Yolande Borthwick@glasgow.ac.uk
0141 330 6271
Cheryl Pike & Rhian Noble-Jones
All courses are accredited with Agored Cymru:
University courses are either held Swansea University, Singleton Park, Sketty, Swansea SA2 8PP or, where appropriate, virtually.
Cheryl.E.Pike@wales.nhs.uk or Lymphoedema.Network.Wales@wales.nhs.uk
University of Worcester
Anita Hobday
Course information
Essentials for caring for patients with lymphoedema and chronic oedema.
Negotiated learning for MLA accreditation, level 6 or 7.
There is the possibility of delivering a course in other locations providing there are enough student numbers for a course to run.
Cost: £500
Blended Learning
4 half day Zoom theory sessions, 1pm-4.30pm:
Thursdays: 30 May; 13 & 20 June, & 11 July.
2 full days F2F practical skills, 9 – 4.30:
Thursday 27 & Friday 28 June.
Venue: The Wolfson Suite. St Teresa’s Hospice. The Woodlands, 91 Woodland Rd,
Darlington. DL3 7UA
4 days Clinical Placements: students will organise and undertake 4 days in clinical practice, where a range of clinical competencies must be successfully completed.
To download flyer with further information, click here
07983 385283
South East (Hertfordshire)
Jeanne Everett
07983 385283