Courses are a minimum of nine days and involve a large practical component. Students initially learn the technique on each other which involves undressing and taking turns to act as models for massage practice. Teachers make every effort to provide a suitable private environment. All of the courses are available to qualified health care professionals within a relevant discipline (e.g. nursing and physiotherapy) and fully qualified Vodder therapists who have successfully completed training in the treatment of people with a compromised lymphatic system.
Participants will be able to utilise their MLD skills in the treatment of people with lymphoedema during and after the course. There is currently a requirement for MLD skills to be updated every two years.
It’s recommended that successful students register their training and become part of the UK database for Casley Smith therapists, as well as listing their training and updates on the BLS website of practitioners. Training can also be registered with MLDUK.
As well as our courses, we also recommend this Chronic oedema and lymphoedema e-learning course is the result of a collaboration between BMJ Learning and the Lymphoedema Support Network. This free learning module will result in one hour of credit.